noun; pronunciation: kree-ey-tiv-i-tee
the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness:
Like all digital technologies, machine vision is moving forwards at a rapid rate. Products are becoming smaller, faster, smarter and often less expensive than before
However, to fully harness this potential requires a depth of understanding and appreciation of this technology and increasing creativity and ingenuity
As well as machine vision expertise, our team also possesses skills in mechanical and electrical design, control engineering, robotics, intrinsic safety, software programming, and image processing and analysis. This blend of skills and experience enables us to develop creative solutions to vision measurement and inspection applications and provide fully integrated turnkey solutions when required, where automation and vision are seamlessly blended together into a single entity
All our systems use proprietary products from leading manufacturers and are designed to be safe and simple to operate, easy to maintain and robust and reliable in use. They are also designed to be flexible such that they can be easily modified to accommodate new product variants you may introduce
Our 100% solution delivery record is testament to the care and attention we apply in creating 'outstanding solutions' - a client's words, not ours!
definition courtesy of Oxford Dictionaries